you can do it, yes you can.

In 2008, 61.8 million adults donated approximately 8 billion hours of service. This represents 26.4% of adults who volunteered through or for an organization to address pressing needs such as hunger, homelessness, illiteracy, environmental disasters, and other community concerns.

Were YOU one of them? Why not?

If the opportunities we present on this site are too demanding of your time, go to:
(you don't have to be a young mother - that site has things ANYONE can do. )
Check it out, pick something, and you'll feel less guilty.

You can't do everything for everyone, but you CAN do SOMETHING for SOMEONE.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Make This Month Special

The Special Olympics is an organization that offers individuals with disabilities the opportunity to compete in various sports events against others of like capabilities. Because it is organized in such a way as to allow most athletes to end the day with at least one medal (Gold, Silver, or Bronze), the Special Olympics fosters self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment. It is exciting to cheer on your athlete and see the rewarding smile as he or she wins an event.

As a volunteer, you have the unique opportunity to make personal connections with the athletes and share in one of the crowning moments of a person's year. It requires only one afternoon of your time, yet it makes a profound impact in the lives of those you serve. Of course, the athletes aren't the only winners... the sense of joy these athletes exhibit is contagious. We promise you will feel so good that you'll want to return every year.

Join the more than 700,000 Special Olympics volunteers around the world by contacting your local program. (Simply go to and click on "Volunteer" Then go to the bottom of the page and click on "Program Locater" to find your state chapter.) You can volunteer for a specific event, as an athlete escort, or in a myriad of other venues (see their website for complete information). If you are currently unable to volunteer but would still like to support this organization, the Special Olympics' official fund-raising drive takes place throughout the month of January. We hope you will consider supporting them any way you can.