you can do it, yes you can.

In 2008, 61.8 million adults donated approximately 8 billion hours of service. This represents 26.4% of adults who volunteered through or for an organization to address pressing needs such as hunger, homelessness, illiteracy, environmental disasters, and other community concerns.

Were YOU one of them? Why not?

If the opportunities we present on this site are too demanding of your time, go to:
(you don't have to be a young mother - that site has things ANYONE can do. )
Check it out, pick something, and you'll feel less guilty.

You can't do everything for everyone, but you CAN do SOMETHING for SOMEONE.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How to decide WHAT Charity you should support - and HOW best to support it:

Sometimes, the hardest part of volunteering can be finding an opportunity that fits your personality. Below are some great tips to help you get involved, and to make your volunteer experience a more enjoyable and rewarding one.
Click on this link for tips on: How to Volunteer

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